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Topic outline

  • Welcome to the Course!

    Dear all, 

    Welcome to this course, where we recognize that successful communication lies at the heart of a flourishing academic community. 

    In the sections below, you can learn more about understanding the impact and power of words, creating a positive classroom culture, and strategies for reducing negativity. 

    During this course, we will explore a variety of tips and practices essential for mastering positive communication. These skills will serve you well not only in the classroom but also in future professional environments.

    Note: Please ensure you proceed through the sessions in the sequence they are displayed on the dashboard.

    • The NLP basics consist of various NLP techniques that are meant to guide you on how to master your life. If you ever wondered what is NLP, what is Neuro Linguistic Programming or what is NLP techniques, watch this video and learn NLP with Damon Cart. 

  • Session 1

    Welcome back, everyone! In this segment, we'll delve into the profound impact that words can have on our emotions and psyche. Words are not just tools of communication; they carry a remarkable power that can shape our thoughts, feelings, and even our actions.

  • Session 2

    Welcome to the second segment of our workshop, where we'll explore strategies for creating a positive classroom culture. A positive environment is conducive to effective learning, and it's within our power, as educators, to shape this culture. Let's delve into the key characteristics and strategies for fostering trust and respect among students.

  • Session 3

    Welcome to the third segment of our workshop, where we'll explore effective strategies for reducing negativity in communication.  Let's delve into constructive ways to handle negativity and promote positive dialogue.

    • Watching this video completely transformed my understanding of the impact of words on us. Check it out to see how powerful our language can be! It’s a real eye-opener.

      Mohammed, a Saudi Arabian engineer, won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. Qahtani, won after several eliminating rounds that took six months with 30,000 participants from more than 100 countries. In this Speech, he quotes: "Words are power, words could be your power." -

  • Extra Readings

  • Quiz! Ready, set, GO!

    • Well done for finishing the course "Words Matter: An NLP Approach to Reducing Negativity in University Communication"! You have studied methods for nurturing a supportive university environment, gained insight into the significant influence words can have on our feelings and psychological well-being, and improved your skills in providing insightful and helpful criticism.

      Let's take a quick, entertaining quiz to make sure you understand everything before you leave. This test is intended to assist you in thinking through important ideas covered in the course and to make sure you're prepared to use these insightful ideas in your teaching. This exam will test your knowledge and get you ready to have a good influence on your students, whether it's about creating a collaborative learning atmosphere in the classroom, appreciating the value of active listening, or comprehending the power of affirmations.

      Take your time, read each question carefully!

      Good luck, and let's get started!

  • References