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3 Courses

Python Programming-I
Microcredentials Category
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Teacher: Dr. Eng. Ahmad MikatiStudent: Prof. Omar Al-jarrahStudent: Dr. Ahmed GawishStudent: Dr. Yahia HassanStudent: Ameen Sinjer

Python Programming-I

Explore the dynamic world of Python programming with our Python Programming-I Micro-Credential!

Designed to ignite your passion for coding, this course equips you with essential skills to thrive in the tech industry. Fundamental programming concepts are mastered, and stunning visual designs are created with Turtle Graphics, providing a hands-on, interactive learning experience. The power of Python awaits you—turn your coding dreams into reality with us!

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  • طرق تدريس الرياضيات لمعلمي المرحلة الابتدائية ولصعوبات التعلم
    Microcredentials Category
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    Teacher: Dr. Mofeed Abumosa

    طرق تدريس الرياضيات لمعلمي المرحلة الابتدائية ولصعوبات التعلم

    يهدف  هذا المقرر إلى تزويد الدارس بالمعارف والمهارات الضرورية التي تمكنه من تعليم الرياضيات بكفاءة وفاعلية؛ وذلك من خلال توعيته ببناء منهاج الرياضيات وكيفية صياغة أهداف الرياضيات وبناء الخطط الدرسية وتوظيف التكنولوجيا في المدرسة الابتدائية ولطلبة صعوبات التعلم. هذا بالإضافة إلى تزويده بالخبرات والمعارف التي تكسبه المهارات اللازمة من تخطيط لعملية التدريس، واتباع الأساليب الفعالة في تعليم الرياضيات.


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  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL): Teaching as Professional Trainers
    Microcredentials Category
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    Teacher: Dr. Marine Milad

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL): Teaching as Professional Trainers

    TEFL course is a practical micro-credential course that links the findings of recent research on teaching/learning English language to classroom methodology. The module discusses English language teaching approaches and methodologies which provide an overview of current approaches to develop language student-teachers who seek a career in teacher education. It presents foundational concepts, best practices, and practical suggestions on how to develop lessons and activities for energetic and curious minds of learners in the 21st Century classroom. The course module aims at familiarizing the students-teachers with the basic framework of designing a lesson plan. Moreover, it features the perspectives of different teaching styles accommodating different learning styles and multiple intelligences. It also gives insight into classroom management, assessment, and ongoing professional development. 

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